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You might this holder surprised many of you, but it is a fact that many passionate fitness and bodybuilding, especially in countries such as the us, have joined the fashion of ingesting breast milk to gain more muscle mass.We all know the properties and benefits of milk, for example when it comes to recover after a workout, but is it true that breast milk more muscle mass gains? Today on How Stuff Works you get questions.For many, the breast milk has become a miraculous food to gain more muscle mass, to such an extent that at Internet portals such as, offered it as "the best supplement that exists", stating that characters from Arnold Schwarzenegger carving took it when they were at their best muscle.

Black market breast milk

The business generated from breast milk is a reality, although it is still unknown to many. Most of the women, who offer it, have seen a veritable business in milk which spares them during their lactation period, and on the other hand, its demand in different sectors is increasing.

These women offer to sell your breast milk with simple Internet ads, and your more fixed demand goes from people seeking "a milk of first quality for your bones", up to fisioculturistas that are delighted with their new discovery.

The dilemma does not end here, the reality is that this business is a big risk for people who decide to buy this type of milk, and not only because it will benefit your body or not, or because they go to notice or not greater muscle growth.Does It Absolutely Work?

The problem is that as we have said is a black business, and breast milk that is sold not ceases to be a body fluid from a stranger and from which, plenty of diseases of the mother carrier, such as hepatitis or HIV can be transmitted.

In addition this milk, as you chewing, does not pass any kind of Health Protocol; it is not subject to any legality and is maintained even at temperatures adequate during the purchase process, implying a total alteration of the product. According to recent studies by the year 2013, it is concluded that 74% of the breast milk that is sold on the Internet is polluted.

But what of true as to his muscular benefit?
The issue that I have raised today, will do breast milk to gain more muscle mass?; to see if your contribution is really better than a conventional cow's milk, we do an analysis of the macronutrients that contains each of them:

As we see, the breast milk has many less protein than cow's milk; also have more calories, sugar and fat, therefore, breast milk despite having large number of vitamins, minerals, inmunoglobinas, living cells, etc... (Always in its optimal state, in these cases, and due to the circumstances of these purchases, or would have them): do not report any additional benefit in a matter of muscle gain.

Besides the danger that it is buying milk, numbers never fail and the solution is as simple as this: breast milk has a composition that is perfect for a baby's proper development, so leave it for the kids of the House that are those who truly need it!

Breast milk to gain more muscle mass?

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